what happens to recyclables

Alleviate Clogged Sewer Drains with Grease Recycling

Cooking oils are an important part of food preparation. However, once your cooking oil has reached the end of its usability, you face the need to dispose of it. The most convenient solution might seem to be to pour your grease down the drain, but recycling will keep your city infrastructure running properly and relieve the strain on mother earth's resources

The Problems with Disposing of Grease down the Drain

Have you ever collected bacon fat in a can after cooking? Once the fat cools, it turns into a semisolid. When you pour cooking grease down the drain, the fats in the grease can turn into solids on the inside of your drain pipes. As layer after layer of fat coats your pipes, you can end up with clogged sewer, and that's just not sanitary. Instead of pouring grease down the drain, you should, at the very least, collect cooking oils and grease in a heat resistant container and then throw it away once cooled. A better choice, however, is to recycle the grease. 

The Value of Used Cooking Oils

It might just look link dingy grey sludge to you, but there is still value in cooking grease. With the right equipment, a grease recycling facility can turn your nasty old grease into usable products. One of the chief ways to repurpose cooking grease is to render it into biodiesel. As the name suggest, biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be used in place of diesel fuel derived from petroleum. One advantage of biodiesel is that it does not rely on sulfur additives in order to increase the lubricity of the fuel. Diesel engines rely on the lubricity in the fuel to ensure proper function of the moving parts in the engine. Using biodiesel can help to reduce sulfur emissions when used as a fuel source for diesel automobiles, but it can also be used as a fuel for heating a home. Cooking oils can also be used to make animal feeds. Considering the potential uses for used cooking oils, it seems a shame to just throw it away. 

In order to make something from your leftover grease, investigate to see if your city has a grease recycling campaign. If your city does not have a way to recycle grease, your next step is to look for a private contractor to help you. Either way, you should be able to find a way to make good use of your waste grease. For more information, talk to a grease recycling professional like Ace Grease Service.
